Technical Support

When you need help with any aspect of the library, please, send us an email to

Response Time
We are able to answer most of the questions in near real-time. But, generally, allow us one business day to reply.

If some features are not available now but you want to see them in SQLAPI++, please, send an email to

To report a bug, please, send an email to When authoring your email, please, provide us as much information as possible, for example:

  • Detailed error description
  • OS version where your program is executed
  • SQLAPI++ version (see readme.txt in your installation root)
  • DBMS client version (for example, Oracle Instant Client 19.3)
  • DBMS server version (for example, Oracle 19c, Adaptive Server Enterprise 16.0, etc.)
  • Source code that produces an error
  • Database file or data unload (export) file, if applicable

For any questions regarding ordering (licensing) or upgrading, please, email us at

Mailing List

sqlapi-announce mailing list is hosted by FreeLists.

This is a hidden list, which means that the members of the list are available only to the the list administrator.

Major news and important changes in the project (including new releases) are announced there.

To subscribe to the mailing list go to FreeList sqlapi-announce page.